What's happening in Canberra?
A politician presenting ideas to the general public? It's bloody unheard of and almost unaustralian.
Who is this upstart, Malcolm Turnbull? Doesn't he understand that all you do is repeat the party line and wait to get your highly inflated pension? Presenting ideas indeed, highly irregular.
But what a good idea it actually is. It's not rocket science, just a bloody good idea. Give every body a permanent email address. How simple.
"Every year the Australian government spends hundreds of millions of dollars sending paper communications to Australians," he said.
Hundreds of millions of dollars? Why hasn't some other politician thought of this a few hundred million $$ ago?
I can just see the response. Like when Turnbull suggested Tax changes, immediately the Treasurer gently started a campaign of denegration. Who will it be this time ? Maybe the minister for Communication will start, just gently because they are on the same side, but just enough to let this newcomer upstart know that "This sought of thing is just not on"
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