Our Saviours???
Memo to Mr J W Howard Prime Minister
Dear Sir
The Australian public have stood by and watched as you and your predecessors have sent Australians to die in wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq on the basis that The United States will come to our aid in an emergency. Something like an insurance policy. We have watched you suck up to George W Bush and have dismissed this as the price we have to pay for assistance in time of desperate need. It's time for a rethink. America now reminds me of HIH and George W Bush is looking more like Rodney Adler every day.
If they can't help their own people in New Orleans, what chance do we have? The Bush administration is showing just how incompetent they really are. They can't even do an air drop of water, blankets, staple food items or keep the peace in THEIR OWN COUNTRY. What's going to happen if Australia is ever invaded and the phone call is made to George W. Will he be on holiday, or playing golf or maybe playing Xbox. Will our little invasion problem be enough to interrupt these presidential duties?
Thousands of people dying in New Orleans only just managed to get the rigor out of his rigor mortis. In his "press conference" he was totally confused and he was hardly able to express himself coherently. But he was able to tell the people of New Orleans that he was on his way down there.
I hope he remembers to bring his own water, food and blankets with him...and his Xbox just in case.
Sad but true!
scn: The President cannot order an evacuation. That is a state matter. Most of the people left NO. It is a city of 1.4 million. There were about 100,000 left. They did evacuate the city, 1.3 million people left. Part of the fault lies also with the Gov of Louisiana and the mayor of NO.
Like most Americans, you expect salvation from the govt. In a few days the CITIZENS were mobilizing and sending money and goods to NO. In a few years the city will be re-built and probably for the better.
By the way, did you know the hurricane had passed NO before the levees failed. The streets of NO were dry Monday afternoon. The levees failed later in the night.
Moving people to Bush's ranch would be just as stupid as leaving them in NO. West Texas is HOT and mostly treeless.
The spite from the world is to be expected. You guys can't do anything without asking "What would the Americans do, why won't they help, we'll wait for America before we act." Why do you think Bosnia went on so long? Europe was to chicken-shit to clean up their own backyard. The Muslims will take over Europe eventually because they won't even defend themselves.
Lamont Cranston
Odd I've not heard any jokes about Katrina! mind you, probably a good thing!
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