Monday, August 22, 2005

What's happening in Australia?

To set the record straight, I am an Australian of fuck knows what generation, but there's something wrong here some where.
We are a nation of free thinking responsible people so why do we elect politicians who are the exact opposite? Why in a country whose national religion is apathyism do we elect fundamental Christians? The vast majority of us have little problem with birth control and abortion on demand but our elected members want to change that. We believe in a fair go for all but our politicians want to sectionalise the community those who can afford a good education and those who can't. We want a smart country that can compete but our politicians are making our schools into idiot factories that cater to the lowest common denominator. We can't upset kids by making them take tests or putting any pressure on them. For fucks sake, no wonder so many of them can't handle the real world in business.
Why is a cunt of a place like Bali our most popular holiday destination? It's governed by a group of corrupt pricks who would love dearly to make Australia part of their Confederation. Look what they did to East Timor. Murdering fucking cunts. But we blissfully hand over our holiday pay to these fuckers year after year. They blew up a heap of us there and hand out token penalties to the guilty and every shonky excuse that comes along they reduce even those minimal sentences. But still we go there for our holidays. And to make it all worse we apparently can't read well enough (must be because of our school system) to read the HUGE fucken signs that are every where in their airport about their archaic drug laws and we still think we are in a civilised country and have a quick smoke and then COMPLAIN about spending time in their rat infested fucking jails.

Now I know that all you pinky cunts are going to hate me for saying this but I'm fucken glad that Phillip Ruddock and Amanda Vanstone have been running our refugee program. I'm sick to death of offering the hand of friendship to some of these cunts just to have them bite my fingers off. Why do the want to turn Australia in to the cunt of a place that they left because it was too violent and oppressive? They surely come here because of the freedoms that are offered but then complain about those freedoms and expect US to change our way of life. And if we don't want to accept their dogmas we are threatened with violence. ANY PERSON who preaches violence as a way to change things should have their citizenship revoked and deported. They are obviously upset with our way of life so go back home and change your own fucken country. I like mine the way it is with just a few changes gained by the democratic process. We use ballot boxes not bombs and threats to gain change.
I wonder how all those refugee advocates feel now when they read about some of the people that they assisted to get refugee status? All the heartfelt words about these unfortunates and how unfeeling we all are because we didn't throw open the doors to them. The ones who deliberately tore up their ID's so they couldn't be identified as past or potential criminals or terrorists. Do you feel safer now? Are you happy with your involvement in the fundermantalist movement that is enveloping the decent Muslims that were here before YOU ranted and raved about our unfeeling attitude to these cunts? If I had my way I'd revoke your citizenship and send you to Iran for re-training.

Fuck that feels better!!!!!


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