Back Again.
G'day, I've had a four months break from blogging and I'm off again to rant and rave about shit that pisses me off!
I have been motivated by an American guy who linked to this blog with the statement "A great blog by an Australian who's not infatuated with Americans. I like this guy's style."
I might have to change my opinion of Americans if this flattery keeps up. But it does prove that I am available for hire, you don't even have to send money just say nice things about me.
Well, enough of this nice crap.
What a fucking hide these religious fanatics have. THEY are offended because some unknown cartoonist drew pictures in an unknown newspaper of Allah as a suicide bomber and this justifies rioting, vandalism, and illegal behaviour that has resulted in the deaths of innocent people? What sort of religion makes excuses for this behavior and then accepts its followers beheading an innocent Irish woman who has spent the better part of her adult life working for the welfare of Muslims in their own country? A BARBARIC ONE.
One that should be outlawed in every western country.
One that should have it's followers returned to any country where Islam is practiced. They don't believe that they have any allegiance to the country they live in, only to Islam. So it wouldn't matter to them which Islamic nation they were returned to.
While I am on this subject, congatulations to Peter Costello the Australian Treasurer "In a hard-hitting speech to the Sydney Institute that immediately sparked anger from Muslims, the Treasurer said migrants should be forced to honour their pledge of allegiance to Australia or face the prospect of being kicked out.
It's about time an Australian politician had the guts to say what 75% of Australians think. The usual "suck up" media scribes were horrified as can be expected. But fuck them! Good onyer Peter Costello. I can't wait for you to become Prime Minister.
As most of you who were regular readers of this crap know, Americans are not one of my favourite people. My criticisms has always been from afar. But not for long. I am visiting the friendly shores of the Great YEWESSOFA in a couple of weeks to study them close up. I will have a birds eye view of them across the blackjack and roulette table of Las Vegas, an up close look at them from the excesses of Hollywood and stare eye to eye with a Noo Yorker on the streets of the Bronks. I'm even going to the Texas State Fair where I will sit jowl to jowl with apple pie mommas in Austin. I wonder if there really are any gay cowboys in Texas? I don't think I will be sitting cheek to cheek with em if I do find any.
By the way. An important announcement from the President. "From this day forth the cocktail previously known as "The Cock Sucking Cowboy" will now be known as "The Heath Ledger"
If I make it back without being mugged or stabbed or blown up in a terrorist attack or fucked to death by a billionair Hollywood starlet, I will give you a day by day (with Pics) account of my foray in to enemy territory.
Until then remember this memorable quote.
"Who's your Bhagdaddy?"
Welcome Back Rudy!
I've been checking back from time to time, and damn if you didn't also inspire me to pick up my seventies blog again.
When you go to Austin, it's the best musical scene in the world right now. Spend some time in the bars picking up some of the music. You probably won't like the beer (surprise, surprise), but you may be able to find an import or two that will work. The variety and quality of music in Austin is incredible.
Looking forward to reading your accounts of the trip
Hmmm - do we need a new test??
"Those wanting to immigrate to Australia could be forced to sit a dictation test in a European language — any European language set by an immigration officer. This device was used to stop non-whites from immigrating here. The White Australia policy was only abolished in 1973."
“Ausflag has always been aware that the Union Jack in the corner could be used as a cultural and racist wedge, a means by which white, Anglo Australians could remind everyone else that 'You are not, and will never be, considered truly Australian’.”
Maybe you could get Caz from TSSH to start a MS paint comp and new set of migrant questions to come here. And we then vote!
I don't really understand "anonymous" point but we don't need a new SET of questions. Only one:
"What is your religion?"
answer: "Islam"
Then no entry to Australia.
Anyone who thinks that by having the Union Jack in the corner of the Australian Flag is seen as a cultural wedge is a bloody idiot! A bit like saying that the Lebanese flag offends palm trees because it has a different breed on it! or, dare i say that the French Flag insults the colour Yellow as it doesnt have any yellow on it. I'm sick of politically correct fuckwits!!!!!! and another thing! SACK THE GOOSE WHO DECIDED NOT TO PLAY GOD SAVE THE QUEEN AT THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES AND SEND THEM PACKING TOO!
Root his arse off. Very funny
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