Sunday, October 16, 2005

Religion... Fucken Religion
I used to live in Tony Abbott the Minister for Healths electorate of Warringah when he was first elected and I was dismayed that my Federal representative was a Royalist and was actively campaigning for the Monarchy. I sent him a few emails detailing my displeasure at his failure to disclose this major piece of information before his pre-selection but sadly I was ignored.
After he was elected to Parliament it became apparent that not only was he a Monarchist but he was also an active Christian and that he represented his beliefs primarily in Parliament, not the electorates beliefs.
I would love to tell you that these "inaccuracies" in Mr. Abbotts statements before he became a politician is the reason that I moved from his electorate to country Victoria but those of you who actually know me would know that this is untrue. But FUCK I wish it was true!!!
He represents a minority of people who are church going monarchists. He is now changing the law of Australia to make abortion more difficult for Australian women. Not because it's what the electorate wants but it's because it's HIS churchs teaching.
Just who does this jug eared, cuckolded, lying prick think he is? He wasn't elected to the Parliament of Australia to change abortion laws. This was never mentioned in any of his electorate manifestos. He was elected to represent the views of his electorate.


At 9:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope there aint an afterlife, those "god botherers" are a pain in the arse now, imagine in heaven.... "I told you so!!!" sounds more like hell to me rudy!

At 10:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Religion has absolutely no fucking place in parliament, or in a doctors surgery either.

It also doesn't pop it's ugly little head up in our home either. God bless our home LOL!


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